Any ideas? It looks into why they act and think the way they do and how someone can improve himself or herself. Upon graduating she taught in a public high school for three years before deciding to stay home with her children. She comes alive in the company of words and music, and she has a passion for literature that reaches through every part of her being. Greek and Roman mythology has Zeus/Jupiter at its head, the all powerful commander of lightning and the other great gods. In Greek mythology, the lines between good and evil are very clear cut. Learning about Greek mythology helps us understand the beginnings of Western civilisation. Permalink. As a longtime scholar of mythology myself, I love to do both. Mythology is important for quite a few reasons. — George Harrison. It is even more important to each ethnic group now that tourism is gaining a bigger momentum. How to solve: Why is it important to use Norse mythology in the classroom? Myths are universal. Why Greek Mythology is Still Relevant September 2nd. Stay Up-to-Date in 2021 With These Custom Photo Calendar Ideas, How to Change Your Mailing Address Online, 10 Must-Watch TED Talks That Have the Power to Change Your Life. Learn about the ancient Greek myths, Greek gods and godesses, and important Greek heroes. Live updates: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris officially sworn in It is not uncommon for parents to be wary of teaching their children about ancient mythologies. These myths contain vital information on how to live, achieve happiness and harmony, and avoid pitfalls. Mythology is studied because myths are ways in which cultures attempt to explain the world and answer questions of human concern. I enjoy listening to a good story, so I can pass it on to somebody else, whether it may be my younger relatives or a community of fellow writers or other scholars. and goddesses, such as the Greek temples and Aztec pyramids. report. THE IMPORTANCE OF MYTHOLOGY. Therefore, … I’m curious and eager to learn more about Greek Mythology – and comperative mythology … Posted on June 23, 2016 February 1, 2018 by Editorial Team “Myth” refers to a saying that is proven to be fake. I try to carry those words with me into further reading. This is important if the review's conclusions are not to be over-influenced by studies which are simply the easiest to find (usually published research, showing the benefit of interventions). When you’re creating a research paper, it's a step-by-step process that includes many stages, requirements, and long hours reading various sources. Without mythology, humans wouldn't have been able to progress in their ways of thinking a. 2 thoughts on “ Why it’s important to study Greek and Hebrew (and learn from those who do) ” Nancy E. Head. What are your favorite myths? (The Cosmic and Most Important Response) Myths challenge us to question ourselves. Many colleges and universities do not carry a course on it in their curriculum; instead, they have Greek and Roman mythologies as major offerings. Writing this post (and every post in the future) is a form of active learning for me. I'm trying to brainstorm three ideas on why it is important to study Greek mythology. Since 2013, she has been teaching middle school and high school English courses online. Religious beliefs and stories help to explain what people were unable to. Why was winning the Battle of Trenton so important to George Washington and the Continental Army? Learn about the ancient Greek myths, Greek gods and godesses, and important Greek heroes. Myths are universal. HERE’S THE TRUTH: Greek mythology is vital to a child’s education. Mythology is still prominent in aspects of modern culture, especially advertising, because of its universality and vibrant metaphors. In multi ethnic societies, mythology and folklore assert one's ethnic identity. The lines of good and evil are clear cut in Greek mythology. When Camelot is referred to, it denotes a golden age of prosperity. © 2021 Excelsior Classes All Rights Reserved. The word “myth” has two very different meanings here, one of which we will be using more often in the context of this textbook. Answer Save. The most important thing is not to be led by your preconceptions. 5 Reasons We Study Greek Mythology in Our Homeschool Teaching Virtue Through Greek Myths. The couple has three children, two dogs, and two cats. How to solve: Why is it important to learn about Greek mythology? Social Science. Another reason to study those Greek myths is that they have contributed a lot to classic and modern literature in the form of symbols. What we’re going to do is hopefully convey the importance of choosing the right methodology. For instance, the Trojan horse is still a metaphor for gifts that are not really gifts. It explained the way of the world: one of the greatest mysteries to people is why things work the way they do in nature and our lives. Comparative mythology is important to the study of myths because it allows people to know where these myths originated. thank you so much!! Mythology is studied because myths are ways in which cultures attempt to explain the world and answer questions of human concern. This article uses material from the Wikipedia article “Myth,” What is a Myth? Greek mythology is important to learn about different culture and religion. Here is a youtube video created by Mrs. Woods to support this blog post. I love when a speaker explains the original word and teaches the deeper meaning. The major Greek gods and goddesses These myths contain vital information on how to live, achieve happiness and harmony, and avoid pitfalls. In the paper, you must explain to readers … How to solve: Why is courage so important in Norse mythology? Though it is important to guard our hearts and minds, learning about ancient civilizations is also important. For example, Greek mythology, Roman mythology, and Hittite mythology all describe the body of myths retold among those cultures. How the COVID-19 Pandemic Will Change In-Person Retail Shopping in Lasting Ways. I agree that this language learning is an important part of interacting with the scriptures. The importance of studying myth to provide a key to a human society is a matter of historical record. But don’t worry, there’s lots of help out there to get you started and assist you on the journey to your perfect dissertation. (though that's a big component of what my personal answer would be to this thread) but moreso what draws you to it, or drew you initially, why has it kept your interest, and so on? This is exceptionally true of Greek mythology because the allusions are far reaching and having a base knowledge will provide important context. Myth’s gave people an idea of what they could be, where they are going, and how the future might effect them. The major Greek gods and goddesses You may well wonder at the continuing popularity of Greek mythology in the twenty-first century. Research must always be of high quality in order to produce knowledge that is applicable outside of the research setting. There are all kinds of reasons why people study mythology. Relevance. In Britain there is the King Arthur myth. Why is comparative mythology important to the study of myths? I introduce some of the conceptual aspects, which are defined more thoroughly in Chap. save. But by the late 300s CE, many people were persecuted for being pagans. The mythology of each culture is the accumulation of that culture's knowledge, wisdom and experience. To understand the importance of Greek mythology for modern people, it is important to take a look at the allegorical meaning of the tales. People often question the need for studying mythology. Check it out! Permalink. In multi ethnic societies, mythology and folklore assert one's ethnic identity. Virtually all cultures have them. 10 comments. Why Psychology Is Important. Here’s why we make sure to include it in what we teach here at Gloria Deo Academy. To use the relationships between the different myths to trace the development of religions/cultures, to come up with common origins for myths from different cultures, and to support different psychological theories. Just curious. Mythology Why do People Study Mythology? Myth reveals the unconscious narratives of both past and present, making the study of myth vitally important to our time. I don't mean to ask "why is mythology important?" What Features Does Infinite Campus Offer for Students? 53.3. To a large extent Greek myths are psychological allegories. A civilized state has mythology at its foundation. It goes without a saying that I consider myself a student. Mythology is important because it shows us how different cultures used to think about the things they couldn't comprehend, and it is evidence of their beliefs. You must be concentrated on this work and keep a pile of things in mind. Why Is Zeus Important? Maybe it is because when some one uses the word “myth” we are automagically reminded of Greek or Roman myths. 9 Answers. The purpose of research is to inform action. They are ancestral cultural wisdom — as important for us as traditional myths are important for indigenous peoples. This chapter discusses the significance of mythology in our lives and my motivations for writing this book. Many of us fail to realize that myths fulfill one of the most important functions in society-serving as a means by which people can logically present fundamental concepts of life and systematically express the sentiments which they attach to those concepts. And it’s fun! I try to carry those words with me into further reading. In its primary form, psychology studies people—who and what they are. To understand the importance of Greek mythology for modern people, it is important to take a look at the allegorical meaning of the tales. But mythology? Parents should purchase classes for one student at a time in the shopping cart. Some archetypal themes deal with women of power, heroes, paradise and quests. For instance, several cultures have myths that deal with the afterlife and great floods. What are your favorite myths? Mythology also illustrates different cultures and … January 30, 2019 at 2:17 pm. Virtually all cultures have them. Should Christians Study Mythology? Classics, the study of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as their wider Mediterranean context, is a wide-ranging discipline. In first place, myths have been used by humans since oral tradition exists, long time before writing was invented. Note: There are Two Keys to the understanding and appreciation of Western culture: the knowledge of Biblical and Classical literature. I agree that the "explanation" of the origin of ideas is also important. Myths are important to study, because they show how our ancestors thought and what they believed. Having basic knowledge of Greek myths is very valuable and important. It has been said that simply by studying or even just reading some of these myths, people can learn how to control their actions or at least think better of what they do. Strange Americana: Does Video Footage of Bigfoot Really Exist? I love when a speaker explains the original word and teaches the deeper meaning. Many great works of literature (including Shakespeare) refer back to Greek mythology, and there is no way to properly understand what the greatest authors of all time were saying without knowing about this topic. Why Greek Mythology is Still Relevant September 2nd. One of the hidden benefits of studying Greek myths is to explore virtues. Happy reading! 2 thoughts on “ Why it’s important to study Greek and Hebrew (and learn from those who do) ” Nancy E. Head. Why do we have to study mythology? A myth is most times a symbolic representation of reality, and it's intended to be a guide that helps us to deal with life's challenges. By looking at the powers and strengths of the most popular myths and legends and Gods tells you what morals, strengths … Myths are used for indoctrination even today, and we would do well to understand how this kind of magick is used against us to control out behavior, even down to what we consume. Most people will say that the word “myth” Why Mythology? It is even more important to each ethnic group now that tourism is gaining a bigger momentum. The contracts many of his soldiers were fighting … under were due to expire, and he feared many of them would not reenlist in a losing army. Roman mythology is the body of traditional stories pertaining to ancient Rome's legendary origins and religious system, as represented in the literature and visual arts of the Romans. As our children get older, it is important for them to read and be aware of our mythology. You can take Mrs. Woods’ Mythology course too! by Charity Davenport. Those reasons might be part of a larger, cultural reason, or they might be very personal to the person doing the research and studying. Anonymous. It incorporates elements of history, archaeology, art, religion, mythology, philosophy, gender and queer studies, and numerous other disciplines. Live updates: Joe Biden and Kamala Harris officially sworn in As our children get older, it is important for them to read and be aware of our mythology. b. For instance, mythology delves into such basic debates as good versus evil or looks into the nature of man. She believes wholeheartedly that each person has a relevant voice and perspective, and she eagerly teaches her students to embrace their individual voices by exploring their own thoughts and learning to confidently articulate them. Heroes also come from religious mythology, such as Jesus Christ, Muhammad and Buddha. 3. Knowing Greek mythology will make you more culturally literate. (Beyond The Stories) 7 shares. In this essay, Nirbhay discusses why children should read mythology and also recommends some books which are ideal for 8-12-year-olds. Why is Greek Mythology Important? It’s true that mythology teaches us a lot about what was the norm in ages long gone, but that’s not the only reason I like mythology. In its primary form, psychology studies people—who and what they are. You may well wonder at the continuing popularity of Greek mythology in the twenty-first century. Many Middle Eastern cultures also have virgin-birth myths. hide . What is the importance of myths and legends today, and how do they impact readers today? Home why is it important to study mythology. Undoubtedly, this aspect of our literature is the most neglected field of study. Continue Reading. People often question the need for studying mythology. Mythology also illustrates different cultures and their narratives. While reading and writing are clearly on the top of her hobby list, Jess also enjoys all things musical, cooking competition shows, hiking, running, and traveling. The term ‘Greek Mythology’ conjures up images of impossibly beautiful gods and goddesses, fire and brimstone, roaring beasts and larger-than-life heroes. Sponsored by Best Gadget Advice. In the middle of the 19th century, for instance, a newly appointed British governor of New Zealand, Sir George Grey, was confronted by the problem of how to come … Jess Woods graduated from Indiana University with a degree in English Education. Why Psychology Is Important. Many of the ceremonial, routine, and even martial activities of a people are influenced by their beliefs and stories. 100% Upvoted. Kutoyis is a Native American Blackfoot hero who also has supernatural origins. Well, if you ask me, I’d say mythology is important far beyond mere cultural viewpoints. Monsters are monsters and heroes are heroes. I don’t consider myself an authority, nor I believe my viewpoint is the only valid one. Parents must first create a family membership account in order to purchase classes. share. Importance of Mythology in Study of History and Archaeology. It considers why we should study myth, how it is affective and what we can learn from analyzing it. Even Jeopardy has a category on mythology so it must be important. Ultimately, studying mythology gives us context into our world, our literature, and our own beliefs. Why is mythology important to you? The hero myth is about figures performing unbelievable feats. Evil. They are, therefore, keys to understanding our culture. Even Jeopardy has a category on mythology so it must be important. Based on the similarities of the myths and themes of different cultures comparative mythologists can trace the myth back to its roots. Module 6: The Importance of Research Study Implications. But the reason why mythology is still important is that it is pure storytelling. It's all in the mind. What is Mythology and Why is it Important. One famous author is Homer – although no one is sure if he really existed or if more than one person wrote … Why Study Greek Mythology? I love it when my students make a connection from mythology and see it's theme running in a current movie or television show. Favorite Answer. 1 decade ago. Maybe it is because when some one uses the word “myth” we are automagically reminded of Greek or Roman myths. Fate, Greek Moira, plural Moirai, Latin Parca, plural Parcae, in Greek and Roman mythology, any of three goddesses who determined human destinies, and in particular the span of a person’s life and his allotment of misery and suffering.Homer speaks of Fate (moira) in the singular as an impersonal power and sometimes makes its functions interchangeable with those of the Olympian gods. Is the Biggest Problem with American Education that we don't study Mythology more? Jess is a life-long reader and writer. Written by December 25, 2020. why is it important to study mythology Yes, it’s probably daunting, and you haven’t a clue where to start. The collected myths of a group of people can be regarded as to undergo mythology and to study the nature, history and kind of myth is referred to as mythology. Why myths are important? — George Harrison. Having basic knowledge of Greek myths is very valuable and important. You might already have an idea of a method that you would like to use, say a survey or a questionnaire. If you don’t think this is a good thing, then you aren’t very secure in your own beliefs and philosophies. The study of myth with its storehouse of narratives and images can help guide us by facilitating our personal and collective transition into a more vibrant reality. Heroes are in the mythology of most cultures. You can purchase it here. That one brings about more questions. Learning Greek mythology is part of having a well-rounded education. In present use, mythology usually refers to the collected myths of a group of people, but may also mean the study of such myths. It's all in the mind. In this guide we look at what a dissertation actually is, and why it’s so important. Folklorist Alan Dundes defines myth as a sacred narrative that explains how the world and humanity evolved into their present form. Writing a research methodology is a complicated thing. Why Study Greek Mythology? After all, a lot of these stories tell tales of how human follies, stupidity, and even hubris … 4. Why we need to study Greek Mythology more. Why do you think these were important to these civilizations? Rose suggests that Greek myths were allegories which concealed deep meaning and talked about the wisdom of the rules, the courage of ordinary people, and the eternal quest of humans to become equal to gods. Hercules, the son of Zeus, is one of the most popular of these mythological figures. "Roman mythology" may also refer to the modern study of these representations, and to the subject matter as represented in the literature and art of other cultures in any period. A lot of American culture came from Greece originally, Greece is so strongly defined by it's mythology that it is valuable to know the mythology, it helps us to understand more about where we … It is not uncommon for parents to be wary of teaching their children about ancient mythologies. The term ‘Greek Mythology’ conjures up images of impossibly beautiful gods and goddesses, fire and brimstone, roaring beasts and larger-than-life heroes. This will allow the registrar to appropriately place your students in the correct classes. Greek Mythology Identifies Good vs. 4. Myths are our religious roots. Studying the mythology language of a culture tells us a lot about that culture. He protects the sky, as Poseidon owns the sea, Aphrodite as the … Why is Greek mythology impotant? To study Greek mythology, you’ll need to first know what you need to know. If you are a student of the Old Testament, you will find that much of what is there is similar to the stories of mythology. But what is a myth? For one thing, it makes up a major part of anybody’s heritage. In this essay, Nirbhay discusses why children should read mythology and also recommends some books which are ideal for 8-12-year-olds. Although mythologies differ, they often follow the same basic themes. Students love reading stories about heroes, battles and … But what is a myth? It is a constant reminder of who we are and where we come from. I agree that this language learning is an important part of interacting with the scriptures. Why Mythology? Why Is Zeus Important? Though it is important to guard our hearts and minds, learning about ancient civilizations is also important. I recommend Edith Hamilton’s Mythology. While there are many reasons to learn about … While there are many reasons to learn about Greek mythology, here are the 3 most compelling reasons. There is a reason Hollywood keeps looking back to Greek myths for inspiration; they are great stories. It is her desire to encourage growth in all students (regardless of their love for English courses…or lack thereof). Need a place to start? The significance of these myths should not be overlooked, and even a foundational level of study will prove beneficial. But by the late 300s CE, many people were persecuted for being pagans. Rose suggests that Greek myths were allegories which concealed deep meaning and talked about the wisdom of the rules, the courage of ordinary people, and the eternal quest of humans to become equal to gods. For instance, mythology delves into such basic debates as good versus evil or looks into the nature of man. It looks into why they act and think the way they do and how someone can improve himself or herself. The word “myth” has two very different meanings here, one of which we will be using more often in the context of this textbook. Before grand societies and cultures existed, myth’s did. Everybody either likes to tell a good story or listen to someone tell a good story. Why is comparative mythology important to the study of myths? She considers it a tremendous success if she can awaken a love of literature and/or composition in her students. January 30, 2019 at 2:17 pm. Why study the Classics? This is exceptionally true of Greek mythology because the allusions are far reaching and having a base knowledge will provide important context. Using Greek Myths to Find Heroes and Villans. Learning about Greek mythology helps us understand the beginnings of Western civilisation. Thus, your study should seek to contextualize its findings within the larger body of research. Mythology is the study of myth and there are many that still partake in those lies. But if it’s not suitable for your project, then there’s no point in using it. Only few, so far, have shown interest in it. Therefore, … Our handy guides are a brilliant start so get reading! Why Is It Important to Come up with a Bright Research Methodology? Yet the study of Filipino mythology has not apparently attracted the attention of many educators and students. Jess currently resides in Alabama with her pastor-husband, Josh. 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