How does satire today differ from nineteenth-century satire, reflecting new priorities, values, injustices, etc.? Instructor: Laura Allen Practice in the fundamentals of expository writing, as illustrated in the student's own writing and in the essays of professional writers. A program of reading arranged for each student with individual conferences, reports and an honors thesis. This course introduces students to some of the major British literary texts written from the early Middle Ages through the late eighteenth century, including Beowulf, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, Milton's Paradise Lost and Aphra Behn's Oroonoko. Readings may include: Leaving the Atocha Station by Ben Lerner, Motion Sickness by Lynne Tillman, Giovanni's Room by James Baldwin, Two Serious Ladiesby Jane Bowles, The Apartment by Greg Baxter, The Mosquito Coast by Paul Theroux and other selected writings. Concepts of American folklore and ethnography; folk groups, tradition and fieldwork methodology; how these contribute to the development of critical reading, writing and thinking skills. Instructor: Koritha Mitchell We will read a sampling of Shakespeare’s plays in a variety of genres and over the course of his career. Instructor: Memory Risinger Instructor: Samuel Head Students work on-site in an organization doing writing-related work and meet weekly to discuss related topics. 421 Denney Hall In this intermediate fiction course, we will focus on reading and writing work that challenges traditional modes of narrative realism. Instructor: Tyler Sones Many works also consider traditionally denigrated groups, like women, African Americans, and homosexuals. Instructor: Martha Sims English 2281: Introduction to African American Literature  We will consider how the medium of performance informed Shakespeare’s exploration of these topics. Introduction to methods of reading film texts by analyzing cinema as technique, as system and as cultural product. In this course, students will examine and hone their individual authorial voices through discussion of short stories, novel excerpts and flash fiction by a diverse set of classic and contemporary writers. "Narrative" is a current buzz-word and a catch-all term; everything is narrative nowadays! What is a monster and what do monsters mean? The workshop will require students to analyze the work of their peers and provide constructive feedback. How have modern perceptions of "medieval" culture shaped both academic study and popular representations of the Middle Ages? I will offer weekly prompts and sample texts for discussion. We'll be reading graphic memoir and fiction about illness, recovery and the landscapes in between, from Justin Green's BINKY BROWN (1972) to John Porcellino's HOSPITAL SUITE (2014) - as well as readings in comics theory, narrative medicine, and criticism. Instructor: Ryan Friedman  However, media skills are NOT a prerequisite; students will learn all media skills necessary for the class. Students investigate and explore linguistic variation, accents of American English and the implications of language evaluation in educational settings. There are *Pride and Prejudice and Zombies*, movies about "Jane" herself, and movies where modern people go into Austen's world and vice-versa. Instructor: Jennifer Patton  Critical examination of the works, life, theater and contexts of Shakespeare. Harper, Zora Neale Hurston, Jhumpa Lahiri, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allen Poe, and Kate Chopin. We will acquire theoretical concepts and tools to understand better how our set of films and comics are built and how they may or may not make new our perception, thought and feeling concerning issues of racism, ableism, misogyny, homophobia and the like. This class will explore how writing has evolved since premodern times to contemporary cultural practices. English 4553: Twentieth-Century U.S. Fiction — The Great 20th Century American Novel  GE: Writing and Communication—Level 1, English-1110.02H: Honors First-Year English Composition The real social ills that were novelized include human trafficking and slavery (the 1780s were the height of the British slave trade in African people mainly to the Americas); unearned privileges of race and rank (about 150 families owned 20% percent of England and along with lesser landowners "legally" appropriated six million acres of land over the eighteenth century); unlawful incarceration of women and the laboring ranks; and sexual victimization of female servants. Shakespeare was one of the greatest playwrights who has ever lived and one of the greatest creative artists. An introduction to humanities-based methods of analyzing and interpreting video games in terms of form, genre, style and theory. Instructor: Christopher Jones  Instructors: Krishna Mishra Instructor: Susan Lang Each student will workshop one poem, one short essay, and one short story over the course of the term. Instructor: Sarah Neville Instructor: Jennifer Higginbotham Requirements will include a series of Carmen quizzes, three short essays and a final exam. Sheila Wolosky's The Art of Poetry will be our guiding text along with a variety of poems from the English tradition, from the sixteenth century to the present day. Instructor: Susan Williams Instructor: Martin Ponce Instructor: Sona Hill  Off-Campus and Commuter Student Services also is willing to meet with you and your roommates. Practice in the fundamentals of expository writing, as illustrated in the student's own writing and in the essays of professional writers. Guiding questions: What is intersectionality in its original meaning? Instructor: John Jones  This course introduces students to Old English language—the form of early English in which Beowulf and many other works were composed. This course explores plays, poems, stories, novels and films about death. Instructors: Christiane Buuck Potential texts: Readings will include a 2000-year-old murder trial; some medieval animal trials; Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice; the Amistad trial; Wilkie Collins's novel The Law and the Lady; Reginald Rose's Twelve Angry Men; and a collection of famous trials available online. Readings will be drawn from the work of Lucia Berlin, E.M. Forster, Marlon James, Diane Williams, Toni Morrison, Vi Khi Nao, Flannery O'Connor, Kurt Vonnegut and others. English 4566: Advanced Poetry Writing (We can call the last "punning," but only if we recognize that it's often vastly more than the lame joking normally so-called; for Shakespeare, the "pun" can be a figure of deep thought.) Study of principles and practices of technical writing. Instructor: Staff Whom have they claimed as their predecessors, ancestors or antagonists? Analysis and discussion of student work, with reference to the general methods and scope of all three genres. Required of English majors. . English 3305: Technical Writing GE: Literature Instructor: Memory Risinger This course will study the long and varied tradition of true crime narratives. We'll also try talking and writing about them. Instructor: Lee Martin Throughout the course, we will remain attentive to the ways that race and ethnicity intersect with class, gender, sexuality, dis/ability, location and other social differences to produce the heterogeneous imaginary known as “Asian America.” Possible authors include Carlos Bulosan, Jessica Hagedorn, Mohsin Hamid, Maxine Hong Kingston, Jhumpa Lahiri, Chang-rae Lee, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Julie Otsuka, Aimee Phan. Discussion and practice of the conventions, practices and expectations of scholarly reading of literature and expository writing on issues relating to diversity within the U.S. experience. We will read an array of short stories and short novels by various authors who have experimented with fiction over the past two centuries, including Edgar Allan Poe, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Herman Melville, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Flannery O'Connor, Charles Chesnutt, John Barth and more. The aim of this course will be to introduce students to the poetry of one of the greatest of English writers, Geoffrey Chaucer, starting with his early works and leading up to a reading of large sections of his most famous poem, The Canterbury Tales. A composition course in which students analyze and compose digital media texts while studying complex forms and practices of textual production. ENGLISH-4563: Contemporary Literature Students will be asked to do a hefty amount of reading in preparation for a discussion-based class. Textbooks: an HBO subscription; additional readings posted on Carmen. Designed to help students understand and appreciate poetry through an intensive study of a representative group of poems. English 2261 (70): Introduction to Fiction — Game of Thrones  What is the difference between a divinely-inspired mystic and a victim of delusion and madness? English 4542: The Nineteenth-Century British Novel English 4560: Special Topics in Poetry — The Experience of Poems This course examines a wide range of fiction produced from locations that made up the British world system. This is an advanced writing workshop that asks you to think about how short stories are made with a special emphasis on the art of characterization. Our broad goal is to develop an understanding of disability as a complex and crucial part of the world's cultures and of human experience. Instructor: Patricia Houston English 3305: Technical Writing This course investigates sites of social action including public speech, demonstrations, social-media communications, and art/activism (“artivism”) that relate to questions of health and illness. Instructor: Staff Plays will include Henry IV Part 1, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Hamlet, Macbeth and Cymbeline, and we'll also read some non-dramatic poems. The hard work of writing and analysis will be supplemented by an array of engaging texts. This semester, English 4563 will be a comparative course in literature and science in the postmodern era , including such readings as Einstein’s Dreams (Alan Lightman), The Crying of Lot 49 (Thomas Pynchon), “If on a Winter’s Night a Traveler” (Italo Calvino), David Eggers The Circle (among others, including one or two works of science fiction, like Ishiguro’s novel, Never Let Me Go). The study of principles and practices of business and professional writing. Materials: You will not be asked to purchase a textbook for this class. (We will not read or discuss the books by George R.R. Explore ongoing technological and cultural shifts required of workplace writers and the role of digital media. This class explores the shifting canon of early U.S. literature and the colonial literatures from which it emerged. In its pandemic mode, this course will consist of lively prerecorded lectures that you can watch on your own schedule, as well as weekly recitation sections for engaged discussion. Experience We will read broadly in the area of 20th and 21st Century fiction, focusing on the theme of science. English 4555: Rhetoric and Legal Argumentation  English 4573.02: Rhetoric and Social Action  We'll also consider how fantasy's open embrace of magic has contributed to its (traditionally low, but recently rising) cultural status. Instructors: Staff In a group project we'll survey what has been happening lately to the fairy tale plot in popular culture. Popular versions of Paradise Lost shaped the liturgies of early Mormonism, and marathon readings of the poem have become a ritual at colleges and universities across the United States. The poem looks back to the fall from Heaven of Satan and his rebel angels, ahead to the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus, and ultimately to the final judgment. Instructor: Staff GE: Literature The course is a discussion-based and your participation and attendance are not merely encouraged but expected. Instructor: Jacob Risinger Folklore Minor course. What is womanhood in the United States? A program of reading arranged for each student, with individual conferences, reports and a paper and/or thesis. An introduction to the theory and practice of editing and publishing literature. As occasion warrants, we will also look at some of the diverse ways the Bible has been read and interpreted––the stranger the better––by poets and writers, artists and film-makers over the past millennia. Jane Austen cookbooks. What historical moments and cultural contexts have they perceived as worthy of investigation and representation? Discussion and practice of the conventions, practices and expectations of scholarly reading of literature and expository writing on issues relating to diversity within the U.S. experience. Alternatively, what kinds of "queer" worlds, environments and inhabitants have writers and filmmakers postulated in utopian and dystopian futures? ENGLISH-3305: Technical Writing English 4578 (30): Special Topics in Film English 4569: Digital Media in English Studies — Digital Messaging and Storytelling After a brief time doing ethnographic exercises, we'll move through some of the major genres of literature - fiction, drama, poetry. Examination of the elements of fiction—plot, character, setting, narrative, perspective, theme, etc.—and their various interrelations. GE: Cultures and Ideas, ENGLISH-2277: Introduction to Disability Studies You do not need extensive background in science, technology or writing to do well in this course. Instructor: Michelle Herman The special topic of this course is "The Outsider in the Courtroom," so we will read some actual cases and also a variety of fictional representations of law in action, and consider how the rights of outsiders are protected, or sometimes forgotten, by the law. No prior knowledge of contemporary science or literature is required. Throughout, we will consider style and form, exploring the relevance of aesthetics (image, composition, sound, voice) to documentary. Instructor: Staff An introduction to the fundamentals of technique, craft and composition; practice in the writing of creative nonfiction; and analysis and discussion of student work as well as published essays by masters of the many forms of creative nonfiction. Prereq: 1110.01 (110.01) or equiv. The goal of this course is to introduce you to writing as an artistic practice. We will pursue this question through a range of theoretical, philosophical, scientific, historical and aesthetic accounts of the human from the eighteenth century to the present. GE: Diversity (Social Diversity in the U.S.) English 3398 (30): Methods for the Study of Literature Is freedom possible in modern societies, even though such societies depend upon individuals performing routinized work, acting in politically predictable ways, and placing primary emphasis on money-making? We will ask what difference the details make when authors construct their own versions of this archetypal plot? Section 30 instructor: Christiane Buuck  GE: Writing and Communication (Level Two). A loose theme for this course is the representation of social class in the novel, raising such questions as how novels delineate class distinctions; the respective roles of men and women in society; and the representation of outsiders. What is involved in building a world? We'll begin with two works by the Irish playwright, George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion and Major Barbara. English 3398 (30): Methods for the Study of Literature. The study of principles and practices of business and professional writing. In this course we will think theoretically about the relationship between human and non-human Beings/beings. Experience The system is not intended to replace traditional contact tracing, it is used as an additional manner of quickly alerting users of close proximity to a COVID case. Instructor: Frederick Aldama  Instructor: Alaina Belisle Instructor: Sandra MacPherson  This is a writing class, so we will produce print texts as well as digital media texts. English 4563: Contemporary Literature—Literature 1945 to the Present  Instructor: Susan Williams In the early 1590s, when Shakespeare’s career was just beginning, Christopher Marlowe was undeniably London’s most influential and notorious playwright. GE: Literature, English 3372 (40): Science Fiction and/or Fantasy — Magic How are different kinds of art (literature, music, film) like each other and how do they present different worlds and different possibilities? This is a class about how to read a poem. An introduction to the fundamentals of technique, craft and composition; practice in the writing of creative nonfiction; and analysis and discussion of student work as well as published essays by masters of the many forms of creative nonfiction. Instructor: Staff Our goal will also be to get a sense, beyond its many parts and contradictions, of the larger unity of thought and aspiration conveyed through the Bible. Part podcast and part creative writing, audionarratology has been secretly growing for the past 10 years in the underground world of digital audio, and for good reason. 5 qtr cr hrs of 367 or 6 sem cr hrs of 2367 in any subject are acceptable towards the 6 cr hrs. 12 W Gay St. Columbus, OH | Downtown Columbus. English 3372: Science Fiction and/or Fantasy — American Science Fiction of the 60s and 70s John Donne is the one who wrote: "No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; if a clod be washed away by the sea, Europe is the less...And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee." While we make every effort to ensure that the information below is complete and correct, the link above is guaranteed to be so. Instructor: Dorothy Noyes This course serves as the methods course for the Literature and Creative Writing concentrations within the English major. We’ll start with The Winter’s Tale—one of Shakespeare’s “problem plays”—and end with Tom Stoppard’s recent play The Hard Problem. This GE literature course will focus on short, lyric poems in English from the middle ages to the present, exploring the different things poems do, the different forms they take and sounds they make and the experience of reading them. English 4572: English Grammar and Usage  : Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018); Jill Thompson's Wonder Woman: The True Amazon (2016); George Miller et al. We will be rigorous and thorough and exacting. Introduction to the analysis of popular culture texts. An introduction to the fundamentals of technique, craft and composition; practice in the writing of fiction; and analysis and discussion of student work as well as published stories by masters of the genre. Instructor: Zachary Harvat This introduction to fiction course will focus on authors from the United States who have a variety of backgrounds. English 2265 (40): Introductory Fiction Writing Ethnic Literatures Instructor: Francis Donoghue Stephen Greenblatt, et al. And finally we read women's memoirs focusing on gender and sexuality such as Alison Bechdel's Fun Home, Lynda Barry's One! This internship opportunity is especially applicable to English majors who would like to develop their digital media skills in a workplace setting and for those who have digital media skills with nowhere to apply them. English 2220 (30): Introduction to Shakespeare  Instructor: Gabriella Modan Instructor: Amy Shuman GE: Writing and Communication—Level 1, English 1110.01: First-Year English Composition English 2277: Introduction to Disability Studies. Readings will include representative works from his comedies, tragedies and histories as well as examples of literary criticism that have impacted how we read, watch and think about Shakespeare. Instructors: Kaiya Gordon We'll spend the first few weeks articulating the similarities and differences between video games and cinema, and looking at the ways in which video games have become more like films. Instructor: Brian McHale Students will be evaluated by reading quizzes, short essays, and a final creative project. Our in-depth exploration will include comedies, tragedies and a few of his poems,  not to mention a lot of fun along the way. 1 (2004); Steve Niles's 28 Days Later: Aftermath; Travis Beacham's Pacific Rim: Tales from the Drift (2016); Ta-Nehisi Coates's Black Panther & the Crew (2017). No background in video game play is necessary. (This internship does not fulfill the digital media requirement for the Writing, Rhetoric and Literacy concentration in the English Major.) Along the way we’ll read a novel by Robertson Davies, short stories by Dorothy Parker, Lorrie Moore, Donald Barthelme, and George Saunders, a play by Djanet Sears, and poems by Billy-Ray Belcourt. The second half of the course will focus on the embodied struggles and cultural and political strategies of transgender communities. The goal of this class is to go broad in order to get narrow: you will expand your range of skills across multiple genres—pushing yourself to be curious, fearless and voracious—as a way of getting closer to understanding both who you already are as a writer, and who you might want to become. Instructor: Zoe Thompson Introduces and problematizes foundational concepts of the interdisciplinary field of queer studies, highlighting the intersections of sexuality with race, class and nationality. Provides intensive practice in the fundamentals of expository writing, as illustrated in the student’s own writing and in the essays of professional writers. Instructor: Nick White  Comparisons with nonfictional narrative may be included. Instructor: Francis Donoghue A cultural study of literature, we will also read recent theories about Enlightenment views of race, racism and about the institution of slavery in Britain and the Caribbean sugar colonies. Assignments: Creative digital work with a short final assignment paper. Instructors: Jesse Schotter An introduction to the fundamentals of technique, craft and composition; practice in the writing of fiction; and analysis and discussion of student work as well as published stories by masters of the genre. Surprised that medieval literature looks like this, we will devote a significant portion web-based! And 2 courses in the era of climate change show you a description here but the won! These plays all engage modern topics ranging from Wordsworth to Augusta Webster and Oscar Wilde is many things to people... 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