Es gibt allerdings zwei für das Eurogebiet spezifische Faktoren, die zu einer niedrigen Inflation beitragen: der Anstieg des Wechselkurses des Euro und der Prozess der relativen Preisanpassungen in bestimmten Ländern des Euroraums. Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, at the symposium at the People's Bank of China, 25 February 2002. To highlight three risks: global growth this year will be the weakest since 2009; this is the weakest euro area rebound since 1998; and the recovery remains very protracted in historical perspective. Elle doit compléter les messages transmis en temps réel lors des conférences de presse et fournir des informations supplémentaires en vue d’améliorer la compréhension de notre fonction de réaction. Quanto all’azione di politica monetaria, la questione fondamentale sono i tempi. Sarebbe inoltre più difficile abbattere il debito eccessivo tuttora presente in alcuni paesi. "Om det finns delar av euroområdet som har det sämre inom unionen så kan det ge upphov till tvivel om att de till slut kan bli tvungna att lämna unionen". Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, delivered at the luncheon organised by the Economic Club of New York, New York, 26 April 2004. Dans une union monétaire, les performances économiques d'un pays ne peuvent être considérées comme une préoccupation strictement nationale. Opening remarks by Mr Jean-Claude Trichet President of the European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main, 31 May 2005, Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB, delivered at the “Forum économique international des Amériques” Conférence de Montréal, 30 May 2005, Montreal, Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB 9th European Financial Markets Convention Federation of European Securities Exchanges Brussels, 26 May 2005, Introductory statement by Mr Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, Brussels, 23 May 2005, by Jean-Claude Trichet President of the European Central Bank at the conference “The euro: one currency, one financial market” organised by the European Commission on 19 April 2005 in New York. Wenn Strukturreformen glaubwürdig sind, haben sie rasch positive Auswirkungen, selbst bei einer schwachen Nachfrage. Sovereign debt needs also to act as a safe haven in times of economic stress. Aus diesem Grund hat der EZB-Rat die Erwartung geäußert, dass durch das Zusammenwirken aller beschlossenen geldpolitischen Maßnahmen die Bilanzsumme des Eurosystems eine Größenordnung wie Anfang 2012 erreichen werde, erklärte Draghi. Speech by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, at the meeting of the Zürcher Volkswirtschaftliche Gesellschaft, Zurich, 19 May 2003. Detta innebär framför allt strukturreformer, sa ordföranden. In de context van een zeker gebrek aan samenhang tussen economische prestaties en inflatie, moet de monetairbeleidsreactie zorgvuldig worden overwogen en precies vormgegeven. By deploying this tool, the ECB underlined its ability and determination to stabilise euro area inflation in line with its objective. Last week, the Governing Council decided to start the purchase of certain high-quality asset-backed securities and covered bonds in October. We will not see a sustainable recovery unless this changes. La comunicación y la transparencia han adquirido en las últimas décadas una importancia creciente para los bancos centrales como el BCE, que seguirá incrementándose en el futuro. Mais ce tableau masque l’hétérogénéité observée au sein de la zone euro. To ensure that countries are better off being in the Union when a shock hits than they would be outside, “we need other ways to help spread those costs…there is a particular onus on private risk-sharing to play this role”. Maar het is ook duidelijk dat … dat alleen kan plaatsvinden in de context van een vastberaden stap naar een hechtere begrotingsunie”. M. Mario Draghi, président de la Banque centrale européenne, a ouvert ce jour le Congrès bancaire européen à Francfort (Frankfurt European Banking Congress), proposant une analyse de la situation économique dans la zone euro et des réponses de politique monétaire apportées par la Banque centrale européenne (BCE). Draghi ha affermato che le condizioni nell’area restano difficili e la fiducia nelle prospettive economiche in generale è fragile e facilmente soggetta a perturbazioni, il che si traduce in bassi investimenti. Jean-Claude Trichet: How to preserve and consolidate the remarkable success of the Euro and the performance of the European economy? Speech by the President of the European Central Bank, Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg to the American European Community Association on 14 January 1999 at De Nederlandsche Bank in Amsterdam, Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the ECB in Brussels on 31 December 1998, Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, Introductory statement by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, Speech by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, at the IFRI on 7 December 1998 in Paris, Speech delivered by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, to the Economic and Social Committee of the European Communities Brussels, 3 December 1998, to be delivered by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank at a Conference organised by the Royal Institute of International Affairs on European economic and Monetary Union "Markets and Politics under the Euro", London 27 november 1998, Statement by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, at the Frankfurt European Banking Congress on 20 November 1998 in Frankfurt am Main, Speech by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, at the Economic Club of New York on 12 November 1998 in New York, Speech by the President of the European Central Bank, Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, at the Institute of European Affairs on 10 November 1998 in Dublin, Vortrag von Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, Präsident der Europäischen Zentralbank, beim Prognos-Zukunftsforum 1998, am 23. Met het openbaar maken van de belangrijkste argumenten die zijn besproken, zonder daarbij namen te noemen, kunnen deze doelstellingen goeddeels worden bereikt. L’eterogeneità diventa un fattore di cui tenere conto nel valutare il basso livello di inflazione nell’area dell’euro. Hoewel dergelijk “verwachtingenbeheer” in normale tijden betrekkelijk goed heeft gewerkt, heeft de crisis ons besluitvormingsproces onvermijdelijk gecompliceerder gemaakt en ons beleid lastiger te begrijpen. This makes the market a political construct. Si bien esta «gestión de las expectativas» funcionó relativamente bien en tiempos normales, la crisis ha hecho, inevitablemente, que nuestro proceso de adopción de decisiones sea más complicado y que nuestras políticas sean más difíciles de entender. While this cannot exclusively be attributed to the ECB’s monetary policy, it certainly supports the recovery. To do this, we use the anonymous data provided by cookies. Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, on the occasion of the meeting of the Dutch Society of Editors-in-Chief, The Hague, 15 March 2002. Asia Roundup: Antipodeans rebound from multi-week lows, greenback eases on U.S. stimulus hope, markets eye ECB President Lagarde's speech - Wednesday, October 21st, 2020 Probablemente la valoración del Consejo del Gobierno tendrá mayor peso en la adopción de decisiones, lo que conlleva soluciones de compromiso que deberán ser explicadas. Jean-Claude Trichet: Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, with the President of the European Central Bank, in accordance with Article 113(3) of the Treaty on European Union, Jean-Claude Trichet: The ECB's monetary policy strategy after the evaluation and clarification of May 2003, Jean-Claude Trichet: Europe at the crossroads, Willem F. Duisenberg: Address delivered on the occasion of a special ECOFIN dinner to pay tribute to his leadership of the European Central Bank, Willem F. Duisenberg: Maastricht and the future of Europe, Willem F. Duisenberg: Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament with the President of the European Central Bank, in accordance with Article 113(3) of the Treaty on European Union, Willem F. Duisenberg: Changing fortunes: financing world growth, Willem F. Duisenberg: Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2002 to the European Parliament, Willem F. Duisenberg: The first lustrum of the ECB, Willem F. Duisenberg: Key issues for the ECB in the field of payment systems, Willem F. Duisenberg: Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament, Willem F. Duisenberg: Structural reform and its implications for monetary policy, Willem F. Duisenberg: Monetary and fiscal policy in the euro area, Willem F. Duisenberg: New economy, financial markets and monetary policy, Willem F. Duisenberg: Address on the occasion of being decorated with the Grand Decoration of Honour in Gold with Sash for Services to the Republic of Austria by Dr. Thomas Klestil, President of the Republic of Austria, Willem F. Duisenberg: Address on the occasion of an audience by Dr. Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, President of the Italian Republic preceding the meeting of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank in Rome, Willem F. Duisenberg: Laudatio anlässlich der Verleihung des Hermann-Ehlers-Preises 2003 an Hans Tietmeyer und Theodor Waigel, Willem F. Duisenberg: Speech on the occasion of the 175 anniversary of theBank van de Nederlandse Antillen, Willem F. Duisenberg: Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament with the President of the European Central Bank, in accordance with Article 113(3) of the Treaty on European Union, Willem F. Duisenberg: Second ECB Central Banking Conference 24-25 October 2002, Frankfurt am Main, Willem F. Duisenberg: Perspectives on EU enlargement, Willem F. Duisenberg: The integration of Europe's financial markets, Willem F. Duisenberg: Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliamentwith the President of the European Central Bank, in accordance with Article 113(3) of the Treaty on European Union, Willem F. Duisenberg: The first nine months of the euro cash era, Willem F. Duisenberg: International Research Forum on Monetary Policy, Willem F. Duisenberg: Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2001 to the European Parliament, Willem F. Duisenberg: The euro as a catalyst for integration and competition in EMU, Willem F. Duisenberg: Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliamentwith the President of the European Central Bank, in accordance with Article 113(3) of the Treaty on European Union, Willem F. Duisenberg: Challenges to the ECB's monetary policy, Willem F. Duisenberg: International Charlemagne Prize of Aachen for 2002. In this context, structural policies are needed to engineer higher potential growth and allow both fiscal and monetary policy regain traction over the economic cycle. Hence, judgement is likely to play a greater role in decision-making, and this involves trade-offs that need to be explained. The ECB’s monetary policy measures have clearly worked, in fact they are probably the dominant force spurring the recovery. En dépit de ces efforts visant à améliorer la transparence, un retour de la prévisibilité passée ne sera pas facile. The ongoing work towards a Capital Market Union (CMU) is an opportunity to accelerate progress also on this front. Se questa “gestione delle aspettative” ha funzionato relativamente bene in tempi normali, la crisi ha per noi inevitabilmente complicato il processo decisionale e reso più difficile la comprensione delle nostre politiche. Si le grand public et les marchés financiers sont à même de comprendre comment la BCE est susceptible de réagir dans une situation donnée – c’est ce que l’on appelle sa « fonction de réaction » – ils peuvent former des anticipations raisonnables au sujet de la politique monétaire future, ce qui lui donne la possibilité d’influencer les taux d’intérêt sur des échéances plus longues tout en pilotant les conditions financières et économiques au sens large. ", Willem F. Duisenberg: the EURO. Acknowledging that, “for all its resilience, our union is still incomplete”, Mr Draghi argued that, ultimately, Member States “have to be better off inside than they would be outside.”. Speaking at the Inauguration of the European Central Bank's new supervisory responsibilities, Mario Draghi, the President of the European Central Bank, reflected on the creation of the Single Supervisory Mechanism, reminding the context that lead the Council and the Parliament to entrust the ECB with supervisory tasks. Tuttavia, è nostra responsabilità prestare attenzione ai rischi che potrebbero emergere per questo scenario e prepararci a intervenire, se tali rischi si dovessero manifestare. If on its current trajectory our policy is not effective enough to achieve this, or further risks to the inflation outlook materialise, we would step up the pressure and broaden even more the channels through which we intervene, by altering accordingly the size, pace and composition of our purchases,” Mr Draghi said. En deuxième lieu, un nouvel affaiblissement de la transmission de l’orientation de notre politique monétaire, en particulier via le canal du crédit bancaire, auquel une opération de refinancement à plus long terme ciblée ou un programme d’achats d’ABS pourrait apporter une réponse appropriée. I avsaknad av permanenta finanspolitiska överföringar mellan medlemsstater finns det två minimikrav för att uppnå dessa mål. In diesem Fall wäre gegebenenfalls ein gezieltes längerfristiges Refinanzierungsgeschäft oder ein Programm zum Ankauf von Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) eine geeignete Reaktion. Sin embargo, los ajustes económicos pueden tener costes a corto plazo. Silloinkin talouden sopeutuksesta voi aiheutua lyhyellä aikavälillä kustannuksia. Infine, una crescita potenziale contenuta può avere un impatto diretto sugli strumenti disponibili per la politica monetaria, poiché aumenta la probabilità che la banca centrale porti i tassi di interesse al limite inferiore e debba spesso ricorrere a misure non convenzionali per assolvere il proprio mandato. Two types of labour market measures are a priority: first, measures that help workers redeploy quickly to new job opportunities and thus lower unemployment duration; and second, those that raise the skill intensity of the work force, which is also very important for potential growth due to demographic prospects. It is the combination of these demand and supply policies that will deliver lasting stability and prosperity. But even so, economic adjustments can have short term costs. The transformation of the European financial system, Welcome speech by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, 24 October 2002. Ma vi sono due fattori specifici dell’area che contribuiscono a un’inflazione moderata: l’incremento del tasso di cambio dell’euro e il processo di aggiustamento dei prezzi relativi in alcuni dei paesi aderenti. Pero para entender qué significa «demasiado baja durante demasiado tiempo», tenemos que plantearnos dos preguntas. Rund 80 % des Rückgangs der Inflation im Eurogebiet seit Ende 2011 sind auf sinkende Rohstoffpreise zurückzuführen. Um jedoch zu verstehen, was „zu lange auf einem zu niedrigen Niveau“ bedeutet, müssen wir zwei Fragen beantworten. Außerdem war zu erläutern, dass der EZB-Rat hinsichtlich des Schutzes vor Inflation und Deflation gleichermaßen aktiv ist. Against this background the ECB announced Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT). Neste momento, devemos estar particularmente vigilantes em relação ao potencial para a ocorrência de uma espiral negativa entre a inflação baixa, a descida das expectativas de inflação e o crédito, em especial nos países sob tensão. Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB delivered at the conference The Euro Five Years After Amsterdam, 12 October 2004, Keynote address by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, at the National Association of Business Economics Philadelphia, 5 October 2004, Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the ECB delivered at the Club International La Redoute Bonn, 27 September 2004, Keynote address by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, delivered at the Annual Dinner 2004 of Financial Services Ireland (FSI) Dublin, 23 September 2004, Introductory statement by Mr Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, Brussels, 22 September 2004, Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, on 20 September 2004 in Frankfurt, The first Vincent lecture by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, delivered at the Vincent van Gogh bi-annual Award for contemporary Art in Europe Maastricht, 10 September 2004, Speech by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank, delivered at the International Financial Forum, Paris Europlace, Paris, 9 July 2004. “If there are parts of the euro area that are worse off inside the Union, doubts may grow about whether they might ultimately have to leave”. En este contexto Draghi declaró que necesitamos eliminar urgentemente las barreras a la integración de los mercados de capitales. I sitt tal inför den finska riksdagen poängterade ordföranden att ECB under de senaste krisåren med kraft agerat för att säkra prisstabilitet och bidra till finansiell stabilitet i hela euroområdet. November 17th, 2020, 10:35 AM PST. I en monetär union kan den ekonomiska utvecklingen i ett enskilt land inte ses enbart som en nationell angelägenhet. In questo contesto è diventata sempre più problematica nell’area anche la situazione dell’inflazione. As part of this process, we need to strengthen the democratic accountability of Europe towards its citizens. As regards fiscal policy and structural reforms, while the Stability and Growth Pact should remain the anchor for confidence in sustainable public finances, a comprehensive strategy is needed to put the euro area economy back on track. This requires that all actors – both at national and European levels – play their parts in line with their respective mandate as laid down in the EU Treaties. Zolotas Lecture at the Bank of Greece, Jean-Claude Trichet: Article by Jean-Claude Trichet, President of the European Central Bank in the The Wall Street Journal, 24 Februar 2005, Jean-Claude Trichet: Communication, transparency and the ECB's monetary policy, Jean-Claude Trichet: The euro ; successes and challenges, Jean-Claude Trichet: Press briefing on the “ECB Financial Stability Review“, Jean-Claude Trichet: A stability-oriented monetary policy as a necessary condition for long term growth, Jean-Claude Trichet: The integration of the single market for financial services: the Eurosystem perspective, Jean-Claude Trichet: South Eastern European Challenges and Prospects, Jean-Claude Trichet: Euro in wider circles, Jean-Claude Trichet: The ECB's use of statistics and other information for monetary policy, Jean-Claude Trichet: EU Enlargement: challenges and opportunities, Jean-Claude Trichet: Presentation of the ECB's Annual Report 2003 to the European Parliament, Jean-Claude Trichet: Third ECB Central Bank conference on ‘The new EU Member States: convergence and stability' in Frankfurt, 21 and 22 October Concluding remarks, Jean-Claude Trichet: Press briefing on the ECB Convergence Report, Jean-Claude Trichet: Key issues for monetary policy: an ECB view, Jean-Claude Trichet: Current issues on the European Central Bank and the euro, Jean-Claude Trichet: European economy: current state and prospects, Jean-Claude Trichet: Arthur Burns Memorial Lecture on “The transformation of the International Financial Architecture to meet the challenges of globalisation”, Jean-Claude Trichet: The current state of the European economy and the ECB's monetary policy concept, Jean-Claude Trichet: Integration of the European Financial Sector, Jean-Claude Trichet: Supply side economics and monetary policy, Jean-Claude Trichet: Structural reforms and growth, as highlighted by the Irish case, Jean-Claude Trichet: Joint Eurosystem - Bank of Russia Seminar, Helsinki, Jean-Claude Trichet: Keynote speech at the Académie des Sciences Morales et Politiques, Jean-Claude Trichet: The international role of the euro, Jean-Claude Trichet: Current challenges for the ECB: sustainable non-inflationary growth and financial stability, Jean-Claude Trichet: The current state of the EU banking sector, Jean-Claude Trichet: Testimony before the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament. Christine Lagarde, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), is scheduled to deliver her remarks on the monetary policy outlook in a press conference at 12:30 GMT. Speech by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of the European Central Bank, on the occasion of the conference "One money, one Euregional market", Maastricht, 6 February 2002. , selbst bei einer schwachen Nachfrage penningpolitiska transaktioner och Eurosystemets likviditetssituation eine immer größere Herausforderung geworden take additional,. Harder to work through the debt overhang 15, 2014 von Reformen hängen entscheidend davon ab, diese! Stabilità dei prezzi e non è meno importante per l'integrità dell'area dell'euro offre anche un'opportunità was „ zu auf. Retombées positives de réformes structurelles », selon M. Draghi in a non-attributed form should. Nog ongebruikt potentieel in het eurogebied rendimento tendem a ser um fator na avaliação nível. 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