THE ARGUMENTS BY WHICH THE PRIESTS ARE URGED TO ATTEND DILIGENTLY TO THIS SERVICE.1. Theory without practice, doctrine without duty, a creed without spiritual life, will avail you nothing.(S. -------------------- We must be willing to be, to do, and to suffer, all that God requires. There is no compulsion. OUR MEDIUM OF COMMUNICATION WITH THE PHYSICAL WORLD. The wise men brought Him presents; why should not we?II. In the one sense the Christian is the priest of his own sacrifice. REASONABLE. Now recollect it is one leading design of the revelation of mercy to humble her haughty looks, and to level all her lofty pretensions in the dust, and to draw her deluded votary to the feet of the Saviour, as an eternal debtor to free mercy, for wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and complete redemption (1 Corinthians 1:4, 5, 30, 31). )Our reasonable serviceW. He felt convinced when he was conquering himself and his pride and the world, he was able thus to conquer through simple trust. He might have urged terrific motives, viz., that, should they fail to present themselves, God would hereafter seize upon them for a prey. )Living sacrificesH. "Here am I; send me." "Acceptable to God."(W. APPLICATORY REMARKS.1. Seneca says, "There is no grace in a benefit that sticks to our fingers."2. Who had lingered at the Cross until its great love possessed him. And then, in all the consciousness of this blessed life, he thinks of the half-hearted, of those who come far enough out of the far country to lose the husks of the swine, but not far enough to get the bread of the father's house, who, like the fabled coffin of Mahomet, lie suspended between earth add heaven, unclaimed by either, and yet fretting for each. )A living sacrificeW. And that you may understand how acceptable it is, remember that it is "bought with a price" — a "member of Christ" — and a "temple of the Holy Ghost."(H. I. PAUL'S EARNESTNESS. Is "Holiness to the Lord" written upon the very vessels of our households? We see, thus, how false the assertion is that the preaching of justification by faith undermines morality. So Paul says, "Present your bodies." Who had lingered at the Cross until its great love possessed him. Who does not know the receipt? Therefore the command is laid upon us.III. In Ro 12:1-2 , Paul makes the following plea regarding transforming our lives: "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, … As the apostle is addressing himself to believers, we ought to include the idea of the NEW LIFE as distinguishing them from the world and from their former selves when they were in a state of spiritual death. The spirit which breathes through it is indeed the spirit of the saints. It is the earnest man who wins, as is shown in the cases of Luther and Wesley. THE DUTY WHICH PAUL HERE LAYS UPON US.1. I can count them on my fingers; they cannot count us or weigh us. THE CONSECRATION TO WHICH WE ARE URGED. Now that you may be living sacrifices, it is necessary that you should be daily cleansed, bound, and burned.II. THE QUALITIES THAT THIS SACRIFICE SHOULD POSSESS.1. Nell, M.A.The force of the aorist suggests that our self-dedication is to be entire, for once and for all. THE OBEDIENCE OF FAITH AS A PRIVILEGE. Take care, then, that in these respects you "be not conformed to the world." A Christian, living under the vivid impressions of the fear of God, will consider that every part of the truth as it is in Jesus demands and deserves personal obedience, for its own and its Author's sake; and he will give to each of its parts that degree of attention which its relative importance in the economy of redemption properly claims.2. SUCH A SERVICE TO GOD IS IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE REASONABLE.1. but, Does it interfere with the work of the Holy Spirit within me, and the fulfilment of the mind of God in my life? Or supposing that, by formal "service," he presents a living body, yet while the soul continues "dead in trespasses and sins," it is but a dead sacrifice he offers. Birch. The life is to be so devoted to God as to be at all times and entirely at His service, and, if need be, cheerfully surrendered for His glory. It is but just to God to require what is due to Himself. Hay Aitken, M.A. — thy high parentage! Creatures who have no souls do it. And if we ascend from the Bible to Him of whom the Bible speaks, what a lifting up of our hearts above the toil, and dust, and turmoil, and controversies, and doubts of the world, if we could declare that we embraced with our whole souls the true religion of Christi Ask spiritual counsel from all quarters, but ask it especially from Him who must be above every other religious teacher. Then it whispers to the seed, "I will pass it on to you." Note the singular rite of consecration (Exodus 29:20), the significance of which clearly was that the priest's ears, hands, and feet were sacred to Jehovah. The word rendered "reasonable" means what belongs to the reason, as distinct from the belongings of the body, or external law. WHAT IT REQUIRES.1. CONTINUED DEVOTEDNESS. Every thing by sacrifice not lost, but turned into higher life. THE SUM OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE.1. The victims at the altar could be offered but once, and could never appear at the altar again. The "sacrifice" here is the life indwelt, kindled, inspired, transformed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.II. And what are we for? "There was much force in the suggestion of a Scotchman when they were discussing where to put the new stove in the church. Money, gold, jewellery, land, etc., are of no value to God. THE SUMMARY OF CHRISTIAN DUTY. Suppose the expression of our love to our dearest friends were a simple ceremony not representing any inward feeling, it would be worthless. You are to "present yourselves a living sacrifice"; you are not to be "conformed to the world," but to be "transformed by the renewing of the mind." C. The basis upon which he makes his plea, "The mercies of God.". Men are sacrificing themselves everywhere to pleasure, lucre, fame, influence. THE MOTIVE of the sacrifice: "the mercies of God" — the most cogent motive that can possibly influence a Christian soul.II. That is worship. Romans 12:1 NIV Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. IT IS IN THE OBEDIENCE OF FAITH ALONE WE CAN BE CONSCIOUS OF AN INTEREST IN CHRIST. A road surveyor, who was just finishing the levelling and paving of a long stretch of street, asked me in an enthusiastic tone if I did not think it splendid. Little children do it. If anything presents itself as sinful there must not be conformity. how difficult to apply it! We live in the most enlightened age the world has seen; when all claims are brought to the bar of reason. (5) "Acceptable"; the sacrifice real, the bringing of the offering sincere; the Mediator recognised in the offering, therefore acceptable, i.e., well-pleasing unto God. Custom, phrases bound up with some of our best affections, respect of persons or acquiescence in common usage, these are what truth compels us to surrender. The words are equivalent to "yourselves in the body." And is there not some force in the statement that this offering is a reasonable service? But you cannot get the morality without the theology, unless you like to have rootless flowers and lamps without oil. There must be the presentation of the body to perfect the worship of the mind. Who had lingered at the Cross until its great love possessed him. Show us that a thing is reasonable, and at once and of course we do it. There we find how absolutely this is restricted to the work done on Calvary. There is a provision to meet your weakness.(T. And what are we for? Advert to the reasonableness of the service. "BE NOT CONFORMED TO THE WORLD, BUT BE YE TRANSFORMED.". In this form the maxim is nonsense; but the two forms express an identical meaning. That shame is the beginning of self. THE PRIESTS. Christ put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and we are besought to follow His steps and to copy His example.I. The painful life is also a glorious life. I told my father what had happened. Seneca says, "There is no grace in a benefit that sticks to our fingers."2. The antithesis is with the material sacrifices, and the Revised Version gives the true meaning in its marginal rendering "spiritual." The fierce wants, passions, and appetites that rage and rule in men will be subdued by nothing short of the mighty motive drawn from the great love of God revealed in the dying love of Jesus. SUCH A SERVICE TO GOD IS IN THE HIGHEST DEGREE REASONABLE.1. In the school, home, place of business, present yourselves living sacrifices. And is there not some force in the statement that this offering is a reasonable service? )Reasonable servicePrincipal Edwards.I. We are to give, not lend. It is at once worthy of the priest, the temple, and God. Already the crown is ours — for what makes heaven? When two human beings give themselves to one another they swear in the name of love that they will be true to each other as long as life shall last. The remission of sins. Others add, "I do not believe that anybody can know that his sins are forgiven till he dies." how near to the Great White Throne! There is no conflict between the two; for, if the Christian is God's priest, he is so in virtue of the one process and the one sacrifice, and the moment he would officiate independently he becomes a priest of Baal.4. THE VEIL WHICH CONCEALS THE THINGS UNSEEN. If some one were to save you from drowning or fire you would want to give something to show your gratitude. There have been those who have offered to God a reasonable sacrifice, but one cold, hard, philosophic, without warmth, sympathy, or action; a holy sacrifice, but shut up within books, or walls, the dry bones of religion. Man would give worlds to live that life if he could. Law commands, the gospel entreats! Earnest efforts may bring blessings upon others, but a man must repent and believe for himself. There must be the presentation of the body to perfect the worship of the mind. The senses and appetites must all be controlled; and the understanding must learn to cultivate the knowledge of truth.II. (4) "Holy," not nominally but really, cleansed from guilt, purified; passively and actively, not ceremonially, but experimentally; not outwardly only, but inwardly. The sacrifice of our bodies to God is not a sacrifice for sin. The renunciation of the world.2. And therefore he has gone with great fulness into the whole system of grace and redemption, and now he turns to the practical inference.1. Our whole nature consists of body, soul, and spirit. Soldiers, too, on the eve of some great battle, must, if they reasoned at all, have felt that they were sacrificing themselves in the literal cease of the apostle's words. It is firm as the mountains — free as the air-boundless as the ocean — durable as the pillars of heaven — and efficacious in its operations, as the sun shining in the greatness of his strength.II. Ay, and we say to the man who talks thus, "Sir, if there's a God that made him, and you, and me; and if the relations which we sustain to Him as reasonable creatures are far more important than our relations to one another, then is it not required by our rational nature that we should not only avoid the abominations which you have denounced, but that, by the culture of what is good and beautiful and pure, we should present ourselves to God "as a living sacrifice?"V. For a moment the child was speechless, not knowing what to answer. Mark how he points out —(1)Our sin and ruin. The essence of worship is self-dedication; the perfection of worship is entire self-sacrifice, and we cannot sacrifice except in the body. OUR MEDIUM OF COMMUNICATION WITH THE PHYSICAL WORLD. When we even speak of atoning for a sinful past we are going perilously near to the edge of this precipice. It requires that the thoughts of our minds, the affections of our hearts, the decisions of our wills, and the admonitions of our consciences should all be Christianised.III. Living. To every one who hears the gospel.(W. PAUL'S EARNESTNESS. (3) The natural fruit of our redemption to God. We may refuse by attempting to oppose and overcome God, or to escape Him, or to endure His wrath; or, we may submit and serve Him. )How is the body to become a sacrificeLet thine eye look upon no evil thing, and it hath become a sacrifice; let thy tongue speak nothing filthy, and it hath become an offering; let thy hand do no lawless deed, and it hath become a whole burnt-offering. Every grateful idea which cheers the mind, together with every pleasing sensation that warms and dilates the heart, is the legitimate offspring of this enlivening principle. This is the only way — a glad, whole-hearted giving up of ourselves to God. It requires that the thoughts of our minds, the affections of our hearts, the decisions of our wills, and the admonitions of our consciences should all be Christianised.III. THE SACRIFICE. Wardlaw, D.D.The expression may include —I. Once when I was a schoolboy going home for the holidays, I embarked at Bristol with just money enough to pay my fare, and thought in my innocence that that included meals. Let us, then, from our hands, and feet, and mouth, and all our other members, yield a firstfruit unto God. But some things help to make them stronger and nobler. Turn again to the great law of all things and trace its application.1. You are to present your hands by keeping them from violence and fraud, and putting them to honest work. It is in that that I see the possibility and the progress of self-sacrifice and self-consecration. Live peaceably with all men. The remission of sins. Ye are not your own, therefore "glorify God in your bodies," etc. And we must necessarily connect our obedience here below with the obedience of the Son Himself in glory at the present moment. )A living sacrificeC. We are neither to devote ourselves to destruction, as many of the heathen do, to satisfy the claims of their idols, nor to embitter and waste our lives by austerities, as many of the papists do. How great a drop is this! Conclusion: The two things most needed in the religion of our day are a greater spirit of consecration to God, and a greater conviction of its reasonableness. The victims under the law were irrational. Holiness. Daily. And now in the presence of this awful power what is the result? And that you may understand how acceptable it is, remember that it is "bought with a price" — a "member of Christ" — and a "temple of the Holy Ghost."(H. Hence sin is identified with folly, and wisdom constantly defined as being the fear of God and the keeping of His commandments.2. Now what must He do in order that His love may take the form of self-sacrifice? Those who lead the crusade against dogma are forward to profess the utmost reverence for the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. There is nothing so opposed to right reason as sin. (2) On the other hand, the words imply that no feeling towards God is adequate worship. The one act is the work of a moment, the other is the work of a lifetime. Entire. THE TERMS USED. It is a service or worship rendered by the inner man, transacted by the mind or reason, and thus, as indicating the part of our nature which performs it, is reasonable. "Look, then, upon yourselves as men who have already died with Christ, and who are now being burnt upon God's altar." Religion is likewise our reasonable service, as it is the exercise of the best affections of the heart, and of those which are most influential on the moral conduct. We feel it still more when we are entering on a new crisis, career, or position, which to be worthily fulfilled requires the sacrifice of all our energies to this one purpose.3. That is what our sacrifice of ourselves should be — happy and making others happy, contented and making others contented, active and making others active, doing good and making others do good, by our vivid vitality — filling every corner of our own souls and bodies, and every corner of the circle in which we move, with the fresh life-blood of a genial Christian heart. But the present we speak of is for God. "(3) The animals required by the law were brought alive to the altar, and in offering them up they were slain. To renounce the world.3. Consecrated earnestness is needed in Church and Sunday-school work and by seeking sinners.II. Morning and evening sacrifices must be offered: the altar fire must be kept burning; the lamps must be lit, and, generally, worship must be offered up continually. Hay Aitken, M.A. Christ made whips and drove out the buyers and sellers from the temple, but He has not made scourges to drive them in. "Acceptable to God."(W. It is easier to die for Christ than it is to live for Him.2. Theirs presented the thing sacrificed dead; ours maketh the thing sacrificed to be alive. Is not religion then the reasonable service of a dependent creature like man to the God on whom he absolutely depends? (1) Freely "present." (2) Complete. Creatures who have no souls do it. Where shall this holiness be sought?1. So with God (Isaiah 43:24). Prophets To harness and tame it, to yoke it to the cart, and make it work, not to shoot the wild beast, is the right thing to do. Suppose the expression of our love to our dearest friends were a simple ceremony not representing any inward feeling, it would be worthless. (2) But though the sin-offering is absolutely Christ's, it is not quite thus with "the burnt-offering," the essence of which is the penetrating, transfiguring fire, the emblem of the sanctifying work of the Holy Ghost. The terms of the text. Instantly flashed the forgotten story of long ago. The terms of the text. How to serve God.2. Lyth, D.D.I. God makes us to be temples for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. Transformed, not from without, but from within; exactly as the earth is transformed when it gives itself up to the seed. Under the law that the sacrifice might in all cases be entire, the poor were permitted to present "a pair of turtle-doves, or two young pigeons." Show us that a thing is reasonable, and at once and of course we do it. The spirit of the age in which Moses lived was the spirit of gross, sensuous idolatry. The renewed mind has new faculties of discernment — new eyes to see the will of God, and a new heart to do it, and to be it. We shall know more of God a great deal than we shall know of each other. He himself had consecrated all to the service of God (Philippians 2:17). There must be something more than thinking of God, than admiring the greatness of God's works, than even acknowledging that God is kind; and what that is we have in this verse.4. If you want to go all to rack and ruin live according to your own fancy and taste.3. "Your bodies." But if you love your friend better than your money, you will give the money freely.3. Mary brought an alabaster box of ointment, worth about £9, to show hers.2. Love and reason, the mercies of God, and the judgment of man seem to be things far asunder, and yet here they are united in the apostle's argument.2. And now there comes the seed, and whispers, "Earth, wilt thou give me thy strength?" — who bought thee! "I beseech." (2) On the other hand, the words imply that no feeling towards God is adequate worship. Baxendale. And what is hell? Let the principle of obedience be sublimated, as it may, nay, must be, even here, and I shall immediately echo the language of Paul, "I know whom I have believed." CONSIDER THE ARGUMENTS USED BY THE APOSTLE TO ENFORCE THIS DUTY.1. There is one magnet strong enough to draw reluctant hearts and reluctant limbs, and that is Jesus lifted up on the Cross. That is, instead of being occupied, as we once were, in thinking and planning about the old life and ways, we are to busy our thoughts with the new life, and not only try to feel right, but to think right. Yes, put fire in the pulpit, but the best way of getting it there is to have plenty of it in the pews. HOW TO RENDER IT. The ear is deaf to the voice of God, calling us to Paradise again. )A reasonable, holy, and living sacrificeDean Stanley.1. Something to be presented unto God. Is not of this world, but the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.III. The fierce wants, passions, and appetites that rage and rule in men will be subdued by nothing short of the mighty motive drawn from the great love of God revealed in the dying love of Jesus. Paul found many disposed to undervalue the body, but he confronts this error by exhorting his readers to consecrate it unto the Lord. The "sacrifice" here is the life indwelt, kindled, inspired, transformed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.II. Let us, then, from our hands, and feet, and mouth, and all our other members, yield a firstfruit unto God. For when we have mortified our members, then we shall be able truly to live. But the present we speak of is for God. "Here am I," it mutters, "so far away from Him who made me, without any beauty of form, or richness of colour, or sweetness of smell! Be not slothful in business. Remember, if ever you meet anybody that needs a friendly hand, you must pass it on to them." But it enters within the body, cleanses our inner nature. THE SANCTUARY. Hence reasonable service means the service of mind.2. The painful life is also a glorious life. every expectation which has this world for its object must, inevitably perish, and man were the most wretched of creatures if all his hopes were confined to the present life. Go to your own company, but know that there is forgiveness for your falseness if you repent and turn from your evil ways.4. Therefore many would take "your bodies" as equivalent to "yourselves." Reason tells that we should only love a being in proportion to his goodness. He had already acknowledged that they had "obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine which had been delivered" unto them; but he probably thought there was some danger lest they should not to the requisite extent "serve of righteousness."2. Man would give worlds to live that life if he could. Denomination: United Methodist. But still we have all need to be reminded that devout daily living is true worship. We are to become transformed by the renewing of the thinking faculty. And as I turned it over, I thought I saw where all the crosses come from. II. We are destined, moreover, to be more intimately acquainted with the moral perfections of God than with anything else. God complained that His people gave Him the blind and lame. )A living sacrificeC. THE SANCTUARY. The ear is deaf to the voice of God, calling us to Paradise again. Is not of this world, but the Church of our Lord Jesus Christ.III. The word "service" means worship; and reasonable service will therefore mean the worship of mind.3. And this is what the soul means when it gives itself unto God, that we may become one with Him, that our hearts may beat in sympathy with His, that our wills may keep time with the Divine will, that we may help in the accomplishment of His plans.II. )A living sacrificeC. That shame is the beginning of self. Justification means — 50. "You had better put it in the pulpit," said he, "for it is awful cold up there." 4. A DEMAND.1. Such a consecration should be made —1. Note the singular rite of consecration (Exodus 29:20), the significance of which clearly was that the priest's ears, hands, and feet were sacred to Jehovah. Jacob brought one to Esau (Genesis 32:13), and sent one to Joseph (Genesis 43:11); Abigail to David (1 Samuel 25:18); Naaman to Elisha (2 Kings 5:17); Queen of Sheba to Solomon (1 Kings 10:10). Lessons:1. Christians also have much erred on the same subject. Entire, for we are living in his life. `` acceptable to by.: the Christian is called upon to serve Him and was driven out of my being! Firstfruit of other actions was destined to preserve man from all extremes — from his licentiousness.... Audio ) Posted on may 26, 2014 the fall, and yet stop. Each believer to apart of the virgin Guadelupi has made many hypocrites, but self. 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