Share your unique version of Crying in Dreams with the community of dream analysts for discussion and dream translation by leaving a comment; Study your dream interpretations with Dream Dictionary: Crying in Dreams Explore the Crying in Dreams analysis provided and pending feedback; Use the search box for A Z dream dictionary; Find answers to: why do people dream, what Islamic dreams … I dream I am standing in a group of people who are talking about their status when I see an old man outside in the sloping dirt motioning for me to come over. You are taking a new stance and have a fresh attitude toward life. Sometimes I prayed behind him and he wept and I wept: It was always like this, praise be to God.57. Thomas Hegghammer, Weeping in Modern Jihadi Groups, Journal of Islamic Studies, Volume 31, Issue 3, September 2020, Pages 358–387, Are we sobbing and therefore not able to express ourselves fully? This is significant because it may help explain why people join and stay in groups like Islamic State, why their members are willing to take extreme risks, and why the jihadi movement has been so resilient in the face of severe countermeasures. Weeping rarely happens in the heat of battle, but there are numerous examples of people crying right before or right afterward, and typically the weeping is described as relating to expectations of martyrdom. […] He put his hand on mine and said, ‘don’t worry, no need to get up’. Climbing a buckthorn tree in a dream means depression and adversities.... Islamic Dream … Another, intriguing type of weeping situation arises in connection with combat. Salāḥ al-Dīn al-Ayyūbī (d. 1193) wept on several occasions, Tīmūr (d. 1405) wept for fear that his conquests might not please God, the Ottoman conqueror Selim the Resolute (d. 1520) wept upon entering Damascus and seeing Ibn ʿArabī’s grave, the Mughal ruler Aurangzeb (d. 1707) wept on hearing poetry, and the West African commander al-Ḥājj ʿUmar Tāl (d. 1864) wept also for fear that his conquests might not please God.100 Moreover, classical treatises on military jihad, such as Ibn al-Naḥḥās al-Dumyāṭī’s (d. 1411) Book of Jihad, treats devotional weeping in connection with war as something natural.101 We may also note that modern Islamic books on weeping cite ḥadīth which juxtapose weeping and jihad as specially beneficial activities (‘No man who weeps for fear of Allah will be touched by the Fire until the milk goes back into the udders. To dream of yourself weeping is an ominous symbol. 2- Something exuding moisture so that it seems to be weeping is often deemed to be miraculous, and this dream can appear quite often in stages of transition as we are moving from one state of awareness to another. The ones who have the truest dreams will be those who are truest in speech. Fsamr wedding show to see the joy and pleasure. Here it is not clear whether we are dealing with an instance of ordinary intra-human affection or something more spiritual. See for example the Facebook group ‘Tears of Recitation’, (last accessed 2 April 2019). Robin De Peyer, ‘Radical Cleric Abu Hamza weeps in court after telling of his love for Osama Bin Laden’, Evening Standard, 9 May 2014. Beyond the common denominator view, we can discern two quite distinct trends in the Islamic tradition with regard to weeping: one that indulges it and another that advises restraint. For example, in a video from Syria in 2013, we see the Saudi jihadi sheikh ʿAbdallāh al-Muḥaysinī give a pre-battle speech, and one of the men next to him, believed to be commander Sayfullāh al-Shīshānī, tears up at the end of the speech.67 In another video from Gaza around 2014, the Salafi shaykh ʿAbd al-Laṭīf Mūsā (aka Abū Nūr al-Maqdisī) gives a speech in a mosque, and some 25 minutes into it, one of the guards is so overcome with emotion that he starts crying.68. Weeping To dream one weeps and grieves, whether it be for any friend departed, or for any other cause, it is joy and mirth for some good act..... Weeping If you are weeping in the dream, this denotes your sorrow and unhappiness that you have in your real life.Maybe you hold them deeply inside and that is why they appear in your dream. Marwān Ibrāhīm Al-Kaysī, Morals and Manners in Islam: A Guide to Islamic Ādāb (Leicester: Kube Publishing, [1986] 2015). By God, there was not a single time he did not weep. Many Muslim clerics weep when preaching, and audiences weep with them. Dream of a pasture, you should be stimulated to the funereal work. Nowhere in the sources—as far as this author can tell—are there prominent criticisms or reservations about devotional weeping (non-devotional weeping is another matter, as we shall see below). The findings also inform our understanding of warrior cultures, notably by challenging the notion that brutality and sensitivity are opposites. Seeing oneself as weeping will be interpreted as joy and happiness as long as such weeping is not done with sound, screaming or tearing one’s collar to pieces as when mourning. See, for example, Piroska Nagy, ‘Religious weeping as ritual in the medieval West’, Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice, 48/2 (2004): 119–37; Kimberley Christine Patton and John Stratton Hawley (eds. The early ascetics are described as weeping largely for the same reasons as those mentioned in the ḥadīth: the fear of God and of hellfire, one’s own sins and shortcomings, the yearning for heaven, compassion for others, and so on. The jihadi weeping represents an effort at self-fashioning, an emulation of an ideal Muslim mode of behaviour rooted in the model of the Prophet and his companions, and an exercise in the production of Islamic authenticity. Weeping in your dreams, foretells ill tidings and disturbances in your family. The identification of a weeping culture in modern jihadi groups is significant for several reasons. There is some evidence that modern jihadis see themselves as continuing in the tradition of the early fighter-ascetics. It revealed that crying is widespread and encouraged inside the movement. Weeping for more mundane reasons is also reported, but not similarly valued. Today's weeping practices also suggest a long historical association in Islam between asceticism and military jihad going back to eighth-century warrior-ascetics such as Ibn al-Mubārak (d. 797 Ce). Ten Thousand Dream Interpretation. The excess energy- can be shown as a weeping plant, tree or some such image. In some instances, jihadis solve the dilemma by weeping and celebrating on the same occasion. He stayed outside for a while, and then brought the lamp back. However, over the past two decades, the amount of available primary sources on the inner workings of jihadi groups has increased considerably, primarily due to the Internet, which in the early 2000s became a platform for propaganda distribution and internal discussions. 0 . It is beyond the scope of this article to offer a robust answer to why jihadis have proved willing to emulate their Sufi archenemies in this particular domain, but we can nevertheless entertain some tentative explanations, if only to sow ideas for future research. For example, in 2014, the Egyptian jihadi preacher Abu Hamza al-Masri wept in a US court after speaking about his love for Usāma bin Lādin, who had been killed three years earlier.87. Death Dream Explanation — Death in the dream symbolises corruption of a perbond Deen while there will be glory, rank and honour for him in the world if such death is not accompanied by mourning, weeping, the carrying of a bier or corpse or the act of burying. Ibn al-Mubārak is described in several sources as a frequent shedder of tears. At the same time, the article has only scratched the surface of the topic of weeping in militant Islamist groups. A previous book edited by this author documented the existence of a rich ‘jihadi culture’ in which things like poetry, music, iconography, and dream interpretation play central roles.105 Jihadi culture involves a wide range of emotion-arousing rituals and practices, of which weeping is one. This treatise may have been implicitly directed at Shiʿi weeping practices. The clandestine nature and out-group hostility of jihadi groups limit the sources and methods available for studying intimate practices such as weeping. “I had a dream [in which] I saw a man who was smiling and crying at the same time. Anecdotally, we know that in groups like Hamas and the Taliban, people weep and get called kathīr al-bukāʾ. ), Encyclopaedia Islamica (Consulted online on 30 March 2019, n.d.); William C. Chittick, ‘Weeping in classical Sufism’ in Kimberley Christine Patton and John Stratton Hawley (eds. Untitled video,, undated (last accessed 18 April 2015). (Sahih Muslim). This perspective was also applied to the study of social movements and non-state actors, notably in the work of sociologists such as Jeff Goodwin, James Jasper, and Francesca Polletta, who provided deep insights into the role of emotions in high-risk collective action.106 However, this literature has drawn primarily on case studies of groups and movements that 1) operated in the West, 2) were not very violent, and 3) were not religious. This pattern is consistent with broader Sunni jihadi messaging—rooted in the Qurʾān (e.g., 5:54, 48:29, 9:73)—about the ideal Muslim in war situations being merciful (raḥīm) toward fellow Muslims and harsh (ghalīẓ) with the disbelievers. de la Fondation égyptologique Reine Elisabeth, 1938); Gary L. Ebersole, ‘The function of ritual weeping revisited: affective expression and moral discourse’, History of Religions, 39/3 (2000): 211–46. Seeing our mothers cry in real life is heartbreaking, but experiencing this in a dream gives it even more power. (Last accessed 2 November 2012.). Untitled video,, undated (last accessed 18 April 2015). The weeping occurs in a variety of situations ranging from prayer to combat situations to the consumption of music and videos. | Privacy Policy. To see others weeping, signals pleasant reunion after periods of saddened estrangements. If a rich person sees himself sweeping a floor in a dream, it means poverty, or loss of a business. One important weeping occasion is during prayer, where the recitation of the Qurʾān is often described as triggering tears. Another possibility is that the attachment-inducing effect of weeping has helped jihadi groups build morale and cohesion. I watched him in his prayer weeping in [prostration] as if he had lost a loved one.80. Jihadi groups presumably also have an incentive to appear sincere in their beliefs to outside Muslim constituencies in order to attract the latter’s support. […] Then I woke up and heard Osama bin Laden say, ‘Let us get out of here. Mostly, however, there is only weeping, suggesting that the jihadi norm is to let people weep freely over fallen comrades. Carrying the Dead Dream Explanation — if a person sees himself carrying a dead person in any manner other than the normal manner of carrying a bier or corpse it means he will carry a burden of haraam wealth. Beheading videos and other staged acts of violence create the impression of jihadi groups as soulless and sombre dens of hypermasculinity, but the reality is quite different. I said to myself, ‘what can I present to this sheikh to express my love and appreciation for him?’ When he came close to my bed, I grasped his hand hard to pull myself up. At the individual level, the weeping tells us something about the intensity of the emotional commitment to the cause among Islamist militants. Weeping is a universal human behaviour and has therefore been studied extensively. Dreams are of three types: a good dream which is glad tidings from Allaah, a dream from the Shaytaan which causes distress, and a dream that comes from what a man is thinking of to himself…” Petter Nesser, Islamist Terrorism in Europe: A History (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016), 144. (Last accessed 23 September 2015.). Weeping . Nasser al-Bahri and Georges Malbrunot, Dans l’ombre de Ben Laden: Révélations de son garde du corps repenti [In the shade of Bin Laden: revelations from his repentant bodyguard] (Neuilly-sur-Seine: Michel Lafon, 2010), 98. A dream about crying means tragedy, sorrow and mourning. In academic use, ‘jihadi’ is merely a descriptor with no normative value for Islamic debates on the nature of jihad. ʿAbdallāh ʿAzzām, The Lofty Mountain (London: Azzam Publications, 2003), p. 49. al-Hindūkūshī, ‘Mudhakirātī min kābūl ilā baghdād, part 5. Something exuding moisture so that it seems to be weeping is often deemed to be miraculous, and this dream can appear quite often in stages of transition as we are moving from one state of awareness to another. For a good illustration of Salafi–Sufi polemics on weeping, see Arif Zamhari, Rituals of Islamic Spirituality: A Study of Majlis Dhikr Groups in East Java (Canberra: ANU E Press, 2010), 41–2 and 113–15. Some Muslims object to the association of jihad with the violent activities of such groups, but the term ‘jihadi’ is now an established term in academia and the media, including in the Muslim world. Bint Feroz Din & Bint ‘Abd al-Ghafror; Birmingham: Al-Hidaayah Publishing and Distribution, 2012), 6–10. The sweeping of one’s own house means that poverty is in store for him. To see oneself weeping in the dream A dream when the person finds himself or herself weeping, has beneficial interpretation. The jihadi appreciation for tears is selective and only applies to devotional weeping. See, for example, Jeff Goodwin, James M. Jasper, and Francesca Polletta, Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2001); Helena Flam and Debra King, Emotions and Social Movements (London: Routledge, 2005); James M. Jasper, ‘Emotions and social movements: twenty years of theory and research’, Annual Review of Sociology, 37/1 (2011): 285–303. ‘Among the believers are men: Abu Muharib al-Muhajir’, Dabiq, 13 (February 2016), 23. And mourns the death of a man Alzamr or killed, or that person Zan. Weeping is believed to strengthen interpersonal attachment and trust, in part because it involves showing vulnerability, thereby constituting what social scientists call a ‘costly sign’. We may be sad over past events or fearful of moving into the future. And however hard you try they won’t go away, until they bring you to tears’.91, Others have wept from fear: in 2015 a young Uzbek suicide bomber in Syria was captured on camera moments before the operation, crying and shivering from fear.92 Yet others have become emotional when parting with family; a Norwegian convert who tried to go to Syria in 2015 to join Islamic State and later said he had fought back tears when saying goodbye to his mother.93. ), Martyrdom and Sacrifice in Islam: Theological, Political and Social Contexts (London: IB Tauris, 2017). My review of the sources suggests that most weeping reports sort into one of six main types of weeping occasions.56 In the following I shall illustrate each type with representative examples. Put simply, life in the jihadi underground may provide emotional rewards and incentives that existing models of individual decision-making have not sufficiently taken into account. In this article I take advantage of the recent proliferation of primary sources on jihadi groups to offer a detailed, culturally contextualized description of their weeping practices. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (, The Krio of West Africa: Islam, Culture, Creolization, and Colonialism in the Nineteenth Century, The Ottoman and Mughal Empires: Social History in the Early Modern World, About the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Receive exclusive offers and updates from Oxford Academic, Copyright © 2020 Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. Aaron Zelin, ‘New video message from Jabhat al-Nusra: ‘Report on the Imam Abdallah bin al-Mubarak Institute for the Study of Sharia Sciences’,, 9 December 2015. Eating its fruit in a dream means that one may fall victim to a sickness. Complete retreat’. Seeing Prophet Muhammad PBUH in an unhappy mood in your dream? To see others weeping, signals pleasant reunion after periods of saddened estrangements. One of our group stood up, took the lamp, and went out to light it. 3rd. ), The Study of Shiʿi Islam: History, Theology and Law (London: I.B. Similarly, here is an al-Qaida recruit describing Friday prayer in a training camp in late 1990s Afghanistan: The al-Jumʿa prayer was always the most intense of the week […] sometimes, a brother would be so overcome by faith that tears would well up in his eyes. Little ’ a compensatory mechanism of the relevant academic literature on weeping features in jihadi biographies as sign. ’ 30 ’ ’ alone, weeping features in their magazines, martyrdom and they to.: a history ( new York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017 ),.. Autobiographies, videos, photo montages, and Sayyāf too dream in which modern militants have ostentatious!, particularly amongst men, is commonly viewed as a sign of disagreements and suspicion of the fighter-ascetics! 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